

Prominent veins can occur in several areas of the face and body but there is luckily a way to treat all kinds of veins. We are pleased to offer a range of safe and effective solutions at our clinics.

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We can help you to target veins in both the face and legs

Spider veins

Spider veins (also known as telangectasias) are small dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin. Although they can occur anywhere on the body, they most commonly occur on the face around the nose and legs. We offer various therapies at MBA Skin to target spider veins and broken capillaries that are often accompanied by redness. Our Nd:YAG and IPL laser treatments offer a range of options to help get your face looking its best.

Leg veins

Prominent leg veins occur when a vein dilates and becomes large enough to be visible through the transparency of the skin. It can happen as a result of prolonged standing, pregnancy, obesity, hormones, ageing and also simply be heredity. 

Leg veins can be divided into varicose veins, reticular veins and thread veins - varicose veins are treated surgically. Due to the effects of gravity and ‘back pressure’, leg veins are more difficult to treat than facial veins but there are possible solutions. 

Currently, there are currently two main methods available for the treatment of reticular and thread veins, sclerotherapy (the injection of a sclerosing agent into the vessels) and laser treatment. 

At MBA Skin, we offer both of these treatments to target leg veins and often recommend a combination of sclerotherapy and two different laser systems, the Nd:YAG and IPL laser to ensure optimal results.

*Results may very from person to person